Stem cells, often dubbed the building blocks of life, are cells that have the ability to develop into different cell types. They can also help repair damaged tissue. Scientists can take stem cells from adult tissue such as bone marrow but the most controversial type are embryonic stem cells, which come from human embryos. Stem cells are also taken from the umbilical cord placenta, which is considered throw away tissue. Stem cell research was much hyped a decade ago as the miracle cure for degenerative diseases, like Parkinson’s. But things turned sour when the therapy became mired in controversy over the use of stem cells derived from the fetuses of aborted babies. Embryonic stem cells quickly became a divisive and highly-politicized issue in the U.S.
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At this website describe how a Chinese Doctor have successfully reverse few Corona Virus victims condition and discharge successfully by applying stem cells treatment to these victims. EXCLUSIVE: Chinese doctor claims he made a breakthrough in coronavirus pandemic with stem cell injections – having 100% success rate after treating nine mostly elderly patients.
Stem cells technology is the signature application for Superlife Product namely STC30,SCC15 and SIC.
The search for the fountain of youth by man has been in progress since time immemorial; there is nothing new about that. What have however changed are the methods of inquiry and discovery. There has been progress in this aspect. One of the most radical advances in the field of life extension revolves around the use of adult stem cells (stem cell therapy). Stem cells are undifferentiated cells found throughout the body. They are remarkable in that they have the ability to differentiate into any other type of cell in the body. When life begins, a single giant cell (the zygote) replicates repeatedly to give rise to every other cell in the body. The cell from which other cells spring forth contain the entire genetic code of the person (the genetic code is the biological software that produces and defines each cell type in the body). After the body has been developed, among the trillions of cells in the body remains a population of quiescent stem cells waiting to be called into action to help in the repairs of damaged tissue. These stem cells abound everywhere. They are present in the body’s adipose tissue, bone marrow, and in every single tissue compartment. The stem cells are nature’s repair kit. They wait readily to repair tissues whenever the need arises.
HOW DOES ADULT STEM CELLS WORK? How the adult stem cells work can be illustrated using the skin as an example. The skin is used because it is the ‘guidepost’ for how old a person is. As one gets older, the skin starts to thin and lose its elasticity. It is the loss of this elasticity that causes it to wrinkle and sag. Normally, the skin consistently renews itself, shedding old cells as new cells are created underneath. The birth of these new skin cells is caused by the activities of the adult stem cells. As one ages, the adult stem cells decrease in number and gradually become dysfunctional. If one is able to keep the regeneration of skin tissue at more youthful levels by the addition of adult stem cells, He / She would be able to maintain a youthful-looking skin for a longer period of time. Practical and experimental evidence exist to show that the repair of organs can be achieved with this technology. However, whether this same technology can be used to stop general aging is yet to be ascertained. It is documented that stem cells can be used in the management and treatment of more than 130 diseases. These include kidney stones, kidney failure, liver diseases, dysfunction of the pancreas, vision impairment, skin repair, glaucoma, cancer, down syndrome, stroke, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, brain trauma, problems with the musculoskeletal system, multiple sclerosis, high blood pressure, bone marrow transplant, wound healing, enlargement of the prostate, cardiovascular diseases among others. ABOUT THE COLONColon health is a topic that was discussed in hushed tones in the past. People rarely discussed it with each other or rather, they discussed it only with their doctors. Today, however, colon health is commonly discussed, and thankfully so. The colon is otherwise known as the large intestine. It is a large tube-like structure that connects to the small intestine. It has a length of almost six feet with its shape like an inverted U. It is called the large intestine for a good reason – its width is twice or thrice that of the small intestine, a feature which enables it to effectively handle the end process of digestion and waste removal. During digestion, your small intestine does most of the absorption. The large intestine or colon absorbs most of the fluids from feces as it moves towards the rectum for evacuation. While carrying out this function, the colon absorbs essential electrolytes such as sodium and some salts and sends out potassium. It is the home to more than 1,000 species of microbes, some of which produce biotin and vitamin K. The microbes are of two types: “friendly” and “unfriendly.” This implies that while some contribute to the improvement of your health, others can cause illnesses and discomfort. People fail to realize that the condition of your colon and your digestive system as a whole can either enhance the functionality of the immune system or compromise it, thus leading to diseases and illnesses. Sources have shown that 70-80% of our immune system is embedded in the gut. It is therefore essential that we clean up our colon and ensure that it is in perfect health.
Super COlon Care -Scc15ABOUT THE COLON SuperLife Colon Care (“SCC15”) enhances the health of your colon with essential ingredients such as Fibersol-2, Chlorophyll, Amla Extract, Green Apple Powder, Beet Root Powder, Aloe Vera Powder, Astaxanthin, Grape Seed Powder, Milk Thistle Extract, Psyllium Husk Powder, Probiotics and Multivitamins. These nutrients provide dietary support for the normal, healthy functioning of the colon, including regular expulsion of waste materials, encouraging the growth of friendly and healthy bacteria, and proper digestive function. SCC15 offers protection to your colon in the long term. You get essential fiber (both soluble and insoluble) for complete fiber benefits such as absorption of toxins and waste matters, better peristalsis, and expulsion of toxins from the body. This process helps to ensure a healthy colon. Also, with SCC15, the integrity of your colon mucosa is not compromised, and it effectively prevents your waste from getting reabsorbed into the blood stream. You are also assured of healthy gut bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidus which promotes colon health.
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